9to5 exit plan

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Welcome to The Exit Plan

I’m so happy you’re here because the reason I created this program is for coaches in any version of a 9-to-5 who want to transition into full-time coaching. I truly created this program for the earlier version of me—when I was in your shoes, working a 9-to-5 (though let’s be honest, it was more like an 8-to-6, sometimes even 7 on some days) and wanting to be full-time in my coaching business.

You’re here because you want the same, and you recognize how essential it is to have this conversation at a mature level. We’ll speak practically and realistically about the implications of leaving secure employment to pursue your dream business.


Balancing Magic with Practicality

Now, I’m not going to take any of the magic away. In fact, my belief is that when we dive deep into these topics, it actually gives us more room to connect with the magic of what you're about to create in your life through your business.

When we don’t have this discussion, when we avoid tackling the things that need to be addressed, we start to feel resentment, frustration, and overwhelm. That can lead to the belief that it’s impossible to manage both a 9-to-5 and a coaching business. And then, desperation pushes us to jump into the business full-time before we’re actually ready.


Making the Transition on Your Terms

This program is designed to prepare you to be ready so that when you go full-time, it’s on your terms, by your design, and on your timeline. This is one of the most important transitions you’ll make in your professional career. Yes, your business will evolve, and yes, the kind of coach you are now will differ from who you’ll be years from now, but this part of your transition matters.

Handling this with maturity will equip you to be a better coach, a better business owner, and to make the most of the time you have left in your 9-to-5—whether that’s two weeks, two years, or longer. This program addresses everything you’ve been contemplating and wondering about. When I went through this, no one was having these conversations.


Tailoring Your Unique Exit Plan

I’ve taken everything I considered when I made this transition and built my own exit plan, and I’ve laid it out into a structured program for you. You can go through this on your own time and design your exit plan to suit your unique business and timeline.

This program is for several types of people. You may be the coach who is already coaching, perhaps even signing clients, and for you, it’s a matter of time. You know that this transition will happen soon, but you want to do it thoroughly and cover all the angles.


Early Stage Coaches and Building Confidence

Or, maybe you’re at the very early stages of your business. You might still be in certification or building your coaching confidence. You’re learning to sell and bring in reliable income, and you’re not quite there yet.

Some of you may already be a year or more into your business but are still building confidence in your offers and sales ability. You’re starting to see the money come in, but you’re not yet at the point where it can replace your salary.


Managing the Transition Effectively

For those of you who are already dedicating a lot of time and energy to your business, you know it’s not about needing more time but about managing the transition. You want to ensure that when you go full-time, you have the capacity to sell and operate at the level you need.

Some of you may be in your notice period or recently made redundant. You already know when you’re leaving your 9-to-5, and while that’s exciting, it can also be scary. You’re here to make sure you manage the remainder of your time wisely and make the transition as seamless as possible.


Facing the Reality of Full-Time Coaching

For others, the reality of going full-time is sinking in, and you want the transition to be smooth so you don’t spend the first months recovering from your career. There are also some of you who have left full-time work in the past, tried coaching, and have since returned to a 9-to-5. Maybe you’re contracting or freelancing to bring in income, but your dream is still to go full-time.


Congratulations on Being Here

No matter where you fall, congratulations for being here. The Exit Plan is designed for you. I wanted someone to have this conversation with me when I was in your shoes, and now, I’m having it with you.

I’ve broken down this program into five key drivers. Each module is intentionally bite-sized because I want you to prioritize your time and energy on building your business. The best exit plan is one where your business is so successful that it’s a no-brainer to go full-time.


Avoiding the Risks of Going Full-Time Too Soon

Many of us don’t want to wait for our business to be overwhelmingly successful before going full-time, and that’s fine. This program honors that desire while giving you the tools and resources to consider every angle carefully. I want you to go in with eyes wide open, with the financial stability and mindset to thrive in your business.

When we jump too soon without the right mindset or financial awareness, we can be surprised by mismanaged expectations. Financial scarcity impacts everything—your creativity, the number of clients you sign, and how much money you make. I want you to operate at your best and build your coaching business around your 9-to-5 for as long as you need.


The Five Key Drivers of Your Exit Plan

We’ll go through the Five Key Drivers: your context, self-concept, finances, decision-makers, and emotions. You’ll also get access to two bonus modules: How to Quit Your 9-to-5 and Five Somatic Practices to help manage the emotional toll of juggling your business with your job.


My Corporate Background and How I Created This Program

I come from a corporate background, working in professional services, but I’ve also worked across various sectors—pharmaceuticals, financial services, real estate, and more. In my coaching career, I’ve worked with clients from all kinds of professions, from teaching to engineering.

Everything in this program is universal. Whether your 9-to-5 is more like a 7-to-7, part-time, shift work, or night work, this program covers it all. Transitioning from employee to entrepreneur requires an entirely different mindset, and this program is designed to help you make that shift.


Setting You Up for Full-Time Coaching Success

I cannot wait to go through this journey with you. This is going to be a game-changer in how you carry yourself while building your business around your 9-to-5. It’s going to set you up for success when you go full-time into your coaching business.

Thank you so much for joining me. I cannot wait to hear about your progress, and I’ll see you inside the first module!


 To sign up and join the Exit Plan tap here.

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How You Can Create Clients And Money The Soul-Led Way, Even If You Have A 9to5 - Without Burnout OR Overwhelm - For Free.

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  2. A complete breakdown of each section so you can really dig into WHY this system works.
  3. Self-reflection prompts to be completely sure of your next steps and be ready to make practical shifts any time in your business 

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