Align Your Life Coaching Business with Your Menstrual Cycle

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Today, I want to dive into how I align my life coaching business with my menstrual cycle. For some of you, this will be very obvious and something you already do whether on purpose or naturally, while for others, it might be a game-changer.

Let's explore the four phases of the cycle: winter, spring, summer, and autumn, and how they mirror our natural seasons.


Understanding the Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

Just like Mother Nature, our cycles have distinct phases.

Here's a quick breakdown:

  1. Winter (Menstrual Phase): Begins on the first day of bleeding, lasting 1-7 days.
  2. Spring (Follicular Phase): Follows the winter phase, lasting about 5-7 days.
  3. Summer (Ovulation Phase): Occurs next, lasting a few days.
  4. Autumn (Luteal Phase): Starts around day 18-20, lasting until your next bleed.


In my winter phase, I often feel low energy but not necessarily low mood. As a projector in human design, I need to rest frequently.

However, I prefer working from my desk rather than my bed or sofa.

During the first few days of my winter phase, I allow myself to slow down, work from comfortable places, and focus on self-care.

This is also a time to leverage pre-existing work, repurpose content, and honor my body’s need for rest.


Spring Phase: Harness Creativity and Implementation

Spring is a time of renewal and energy. Like the flowers blooming, I feel a surge of creativity and the desire to start new projects.

This phase is perfect for launching new ideas, refreshing content, and implementing new strategies. However, it’s crucial to balance enthusiasm with restraint to avoid overcommitting.


Summer Phase: Maximizing Energy and Social Engagement 

During summer, my energy peaks, making it the ideal time for social activities, live sessions, and batch content creation.

This is the phase to strike while the iron is hot, leveraging spontaneous energy for productivity.

It's also essential to manage social overwhelm, especially for introverts, to maintain balance.


Autumn Phase: Focused Productivity and Attention to Detail 

As autumn arrives, energy levels might drop, but cognitive functions and problem-solving abilities sharpen. Short, focused bursts of work are most effective.

This is a great time for detailed tasks, planning, and preparing for the next cycle.

Self-compassion and honoring commitments become crucial during this phase.


Selling with Your Cycle: Business Strategies for Life Coaches

Aligning your business activities with your menstrual cycle allows for consistent output and productivity.

Here are some additional things I always factor in:

  • Never use your cycle as an excuse: Find ways to show up powerfully, regardless of the phase.
  • Rest strategically: Use rest as a tool to maintain peak performance.
  • Maintain healthy habits: Nourish your body with appropriate foods and exercise.
  • Balance social activities: Adjust your social commitments to match your energy levels to avoid overwhelm.


By honoring these phases, I’ve found that my business output remains consistent, and I can navigate the emotional rollercoaster with grace and self-compassion.


Listen to the full podcast episode here:


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