The overwhelm of inaction for Life Coaches
Mar 07, 2025Today, we’re talking about something I’m calling The Overwhelm of Inaction – a phrase that literally came to me while I was on the treadmill at the gym. I was thinking about everything I wanted to do in my business – everything I was excited to deliver this year, this quarter, this month, this week. And then? Overwhelm hit. My brain started racing, my heart was already racing from running, and it all felt like too much.
Recognize the Domino Effect of Inaction for Life Coaches
As I coached myself through it (because, of course – business coach here), I came to a clear next step, got home, delivered what I needed to, and moved on. But the interesting part? Every single client I spoke to that week brought up the exact same thing. That’s when it hit me – this is not just me. This is a normal part of the process.
It’s not a problem. Nothing’s wrong. It’s just part of being a life coach – you have so much you want to do, so many ideas, so much to create, and suddenly the Overwhelm of Inaction takes over.
One client perfectly mirrored back to me what I had just gone through. It’s that domino effect:
You have one idea – but to do that, you need to do this first – and if you do that, you need to set this up – and suddenly, it’s too much, and you do nothing.
How Overwhelm Stops New Life Coaches From Taking Action
This happens for new life coaches, too. I remember at the very beginning of my business thinking,
I’m ready to sign clients… but first, I need my website, my CRM, my contract, my branding, my social media presence…
We create so many distractions and excuses that stop us from doing the thing: talking to someone and asking if they want to work with us. That’s it. That’s all it takes to sign a client.
Calling Out Your Own Excuses as a Life Coach
And I say excuses with zero shame or judgment. I use this word for myself, too – because when I’m onto myself (which is a skill I teach my clients), I can see clearly:
These things I’m telling myself are just excuses.
Not every single task is essential right now. Yes, your branding matters – but is it stopping you from talking to someone today? No. The trick is to strip everything back to what really moves the needle in your coaching business.
Why Inaction Compounds Over Time for Life Coaches
The longer we sit in the overwhelm of inaction, the more it becomes a pattern. Days pass. Weeks pass. You watch other coaches launch, sign clients, and grow – and you realize you’re in the same place you were six months ago, a year ago.
Zoom out. If you don’t shift out of inaction, where will you be this time next year?
The Cost of Inaction in Your Life Coaching Business
I saw a TikTok recently where someone said, The richest place in the world is the graveyard – because that’s where all the ideas, dreams, and potential that never came to life went to die.
You have the freedom, tools, and opportunity right now to share your message and help people. But you’re holding yourself back with excuses, fears, and apathy. That’s not who you want to be.
Embody the Life Coach Clients Want to Hire
This is a core principle inside my THRIVE program – you need to be the coach of choice. Someone who leads themselves, who shows up, who takes action – that’s who clients invest in.
Sometimes procrastination is linked to deep fears. That’s valid. But your duty to your dreams, your clients, and your purpose is to look those fears in the eye and say, I’m still moving forward.
Balancing Mindset and Strategy for Life Coaching Success
This is why my work focuses on both CEO embodiment and strategy. It’s not just about mindset – you also need to take the right actions. There might be gaps in your client journey, your messaging, or your offer suite that you don’t even realize exist yet.
But here’s the thing: Ignorance isn’t an excuse anymore. Now you know. Now it’s your responsibility to close those gaps – whether you hire me, hire someone else, or teach yourself. This is what it means to be a CEO.
Final Thoughts for Life Coaches
You wouldn’t want this dream if you weren’t capable of it.
You just have to become the version of you who creates it.
So identify the obstacles, call out your excuses, and take the next step.