Business is a $0 starting salary

business mindset business strategy ceo self concept thrive
Life coach earning salary cash dollars in hand

When I started my coaching business, I knew from the outset:

Starting a business is a $0 starting salary. 

Unlike my career where my starting salary was £15k. I thought it was s**t at the time, but I took it. Now I realise how incredible that is. I knew the CEO and he banked on me. A 20 year old grad with some brains, confidence and no real clue.



ANYONE can decide to learn how to life coach. 

It's easy to sign up to a life coaching course, to be trained in the skill of life coaching or any other modality that takes your fancy. 

Not everyone learns how to build a business. 

Learning how to be a life coach does not entitle you to money, or clients, unfortunately. This is what we were taught in school though.... Get the education and get good grades, then you will be entitled to a good job and good money. But not in business. 

Certification and education doesn't entitle you to anything in business.

Profits have to be earned, and that's what makes it all the more sweeter when you do.


This is what you need to create clients in your coaching business  

If you don't know how to create clients, then it isn't coaching you need to work on. It's business.  

Learning how to sell, market, operate and financially run your coaching business ethically, and from service, with the client at the center. 

When my clients hire me - it's first and foremost to build their business. 

You need:

1. To have something to sell. You DO NOT need a niche. You need an offer at the right price for YOU. 

2. Someone to sell it to. Again, NOT a niche. A CLIENT and getting crystal clear on your client (I don't teach avatars - it's WAY easier than that) is the first step to creating clients. 

3. A marketing and sales plan. You're not here to create pretty quotes, and become an influencer. You are here to support people in creating a transformation and you can do this simply, even if you have 1 hour a day to work on biz. 

4.  Client experience. Supporting the people who come into your business to have a good, safe and useful experience. This doesn't start after they pay you - it starts before

5. To do ALL of the above you need to have a CEO mindset. But to do it so you don't burnout, lose yourself or turn your business into another 9to5 you need the Soul-Led CEO mindset, so you can troubleshoot your business, take massive action and honour your creativity, ideas, passion and nervous system every step of the way. 

6. Messaging Mastery. So that you can communicate everything above in a way your next client will deeply understand. Not just understand, but desire for themselves. 

If you don't have these things, with this level of clarity, simplicity and certainty then you will struggle to make money as a life coach and I don't want that for you. Because you're passion and purpose matters, and the people who need your help aren't receiving it, and that's a problem. 

Ready to upskill and become the Soul-led CEO of your Life and Business? Book your consult here

Want to Master your Message so you can call in those dream clients? Sign up here.  


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  3. Self-reflection prompts to be completely sure of your next steps and be ready to make practical shifts any time in your business 

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