Black Friday? No thank you.

Black Friday is such a fascinating commercial event. People go mad for it.  But when it comes to selling high ticket, transformational 1:1 coaching I don't offer a Black Friday deal on it, and I don't recommend my clients do either.  
Here I explain why.
Quite simply - it creates false urgency.
When deciding whether to do a Black Friday deal on your priority offer consider this:
  1. Who are you attracting into your container?
Purchasing a Black Friday deal can feel exciting, fun and like an emotional high, but it also can feel pressured, like FOMO, and that you will always be stuck, broken or struggling if you don't buy NOW. 
Is that person you want looking for your solution?
In my world, that is not the energetic blueprint of my soul-client.
It doesn't mean my client's don't have challenges they need to overcome urgently, it means that when they buy, they buy from empowerment, not scarcity.
How many times have you seen money-mad coaches talk about how you automatically upgrade just by making the investment? I'm not saying that doesn't happen, but when they buy with the expectation that's what will happen, most will be disappointed when thousands of pounds don't suddenly land in their account and then put that blame on you. After all you created the hype and the urgency. So when it doesn't really change anything, it doesn't land well for long-term commitment to you, your process or success within your container.
When you're selling long-term services, like any modality of life coaching and all its niches, it simply isn't a quick fix and your true, best fit, soul clients will know that. 
Your soul-clients are committed to the long term transformation and the way they purchase is an example of that. 
  1. It's not about the price.
Perhaps they have already been aware of their problems or goals for a while, they have something they want to work on, they know the value of coaching and they are already on the market to purchase 1:1 coaching specifically from YOU.
The spend is already accounted for (if even vaguely). Now it's just a case of making a decision.
With your Black Friday the decision is made more urgent, because the sale will go away and it's slightly easier, because it's cheaper. However, whilst the price has changed, the product hasn't, so what really changed is the thoughts and the feeling it gives them. 
This knowledge is a game changer, because then it poses a more urgent question - why not just buy it anyway?
Here's why they haven't... (lean in because this is everything): there is still something you haven't communicated in your marketing that has created enough safety for your soul-client to purchase.
Read that again. 
If they were looking anyway, then it's not the price that needed to change. Nor is it the offer. It's your commitment to it and your skill in showing up, marketing and selling it with loving urgency.
What is loving urgency? Loving urgency is when you create urgency not for your needs, but in service of theirs. E.g. ('buy now before the price goes up' aka: your need to create more money vs 'how much longer do you want to stay in a job you hate?' aka focussing on why they want to buy sooner rather than later).
If you're marketing effectively, you're already addressing your clients urgency. There is nothing wrong with highlighting when a deal will end, that is in service to the client, but it's the intention behind it. 
Why? Because the more effectively, powerfully and authentically you can communicate it's value the more safe your soul-client will feel about buying from you.

Safety is everything. Safety - meaning safety in their nervous system.
Can you see how money has nothing to do with this?
Having a client who buys from you because they are READY, not because they are rushed, is EVERYTHING.
I get it - I'm not saying there is anything wrong with buying or selling a bargain - but for the kind of transformational priority 1:1 service you offer, 'getting' the client based on price entirely misses and can even devalue its magic.
So what's the solution?
Hold your price, Coach.
Get better at developing the skill of showing up, marketing and selling it in order to create certainty and safety for your client, that YOU are the coach for them. 

Learn this, and you will make money on repeat. 
Still thinking about reducing the price of your priority offer?
Answer these questions to explore this further for yourself:
  • Will I feel good RECEIVING this financial exchange and DELIVERING for these services?
  • Am I creating loving urgency or money for money's sake urgency?
  • How does changing your price change the experience for the client who purchases, and most importantly your experience of the container with them?
  • How will you feel charging the original amount for your services once Black Friday is finished?
  • How will that impact your marketing, your ability to show up and your ability to sell moving forward?
So what could you put on for a Black Friday deal?
If you have other products or services outside of your priority offer that is not long-term coaching, and especially anything that is not service-based (a download, workshop, course or one off coaching services) then of course you can add a black Friday deal!
Especially if you have past niches that you no longer serve but the products are ready to go.
I still recommend you put them through the above filters....
Finally, be mindful of creating extra work for yourself. Anything you put time, energy, and attention to for Black Friday is also taking away from the time, energy and attention you could be putting towards your priority offer.
Is selling on Black Friday a strategic priority?
If you start to offer black Friday deals you also train your audience to expect to wait for sales. Think of shops you never buy from unless a sale is on - that's what you're teaching customers to expect of you too.
There is nothing wrong with this is if it's in your strategic plan of course. 
If you're doing it for a quick sale or to feel better about your offer and that more people will buy, then that's not in service of your people, that's only in service to you. No problem if you're here to make a quick buck, but not ideal when it comes to building a long term, sustainable soul-led business.
If it's easy, simple and lights you up then go for it, just love your reasons.
When given the choice, would you rather sell a quick special on Black Friday or would you rather be serving your soul clients with your highest ticket, most transformational priority offer?
Was this helpful? Drop me a DM and let me know. 
Your coach,
ps - Want to create an offer you LOVE, learn how to develop the skill of showing up, marketing and selling your offer all whilst holding down a 9to5?
Then THRIVE is for you coach.
You're not building a side hustle - you're building a business. That means getting serious about what you offer, being ALL IN, regardless of the status of your 9to5 and actually creating clients in your business.
I'm a life, career and business mindset coach and I help coaches build their own soul-led coaching business around the 9to5. 
Are you ready to get the support, strategy and energetic uplevels you deserve?
Schedule your consult here.
pps.  Inside the 1:1 container you receive:
  • Kick off with a CEO power session - 2 hour 1:1 intensive to get crystal clear on your offer, marketing strategy and goals for the next 12 months.
  • 6 months 1:1 coaching - with me as your personal life, business and mindset coach with weekly 60 min sessions and in between support to execute on your plan and coach on anything life, 9to5 and biz throws at you
  • access to THRIVE online - for tools, resources and philosophies to develop your CEO mindset and build your coaching business around the 9to5
  • cost: £1800 pay in full
Schedule your 60 minute consult here.

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