Someone NEEDS to hear what you have to say today.

I've invested in some incredibly successful, multi 6 and 7 figure coaches in the last 2 years.
I surround myself daily with the best in the industry.
I'm always reading, listening, scrolling, taking in knowledge, experiences, ideas and information.
So yeah, I've learnt a thing or two from other people.
So have you - you're reading this right now after all. 
But when I'm sat there writing or speaking from inspiration, even if it's filtered through all the knowledge I've learned from everyone out there, the words I share are only ever coming from within.
Because even if what I know feels like a stunning cocktail of what has already been said before, what I share with my clients is unique to me, because it's distilled through my words, my unique perspective and my lived experiences.
So when a client said to me, 'it's all been said before, and I feel like I'm copying what I've been taught when I work with clients and share content'.
Then I said this: 'Fuck yes - that's right. Do it well. Take what works and repeat for the people who came to you. Because YOUR clients choose YOU to learn it from. Give credit where it's due, but don't be fooled, it's truly all you.'.
That person was in your unique vortex, and the gravitational pull of you, your energy, your magic, your way of seeing the world is what drew them in. Do you realise how fucking incredible that is?
How much of a disservice it is when you hold back and don't say the thing because someone else already said it?
Are you not here to help your clients (including the people who haven't paid you yet) with every fucking tool in the box, if it gets them out of their struggle and into their power?!
Can you imagine if no one looked at Tom Ford's car and said, that's cool but I'm going to try it in red. Or with a stripe down the middle (The Italian Job would NOT have been the same). We would all still be stuck driving a fucking Ford. (No shade if you own a Ford they are very reliable cars to be fair).
Last night, I literally shared a quote to my stories, then proceeded to explain why I thought the quote was awesome. Do you know how many messages I got about that story?! A lot. I could have just looked at that quote and thought 'wow that's cool' then moved on. But no. I shared my unique perspective.
That's all marketing is - to share your perspective of this one precious life, so that YOUR people can find you, resonate with you and have the choice to work with you.
No one can find you if you keep all your thoughts to yourself.
No one will find you if you keep playing small, kidding yourself that it's all been said before.
So, the next time you find yourself holding back for fear remember, you are a fucking CEO and you are here to HELP people. They need you.
You can feel the discomfort and say it anyway. 
The more you do this, the more natural it becomes to speak your truth and communicate your perspective. This is a skill you can learn and develop and start with, today.
Of course give credit ALWAYS. I'm NOT saying plagiarise, ever. I'm saying share the wisdom that channels through you. 
Someone NEEDS to hear what you have to say today
You've got this coach.

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