From burnout to starting a business

I have a couple of questions for you...
  1. How long has it been since you were unhappy in your 9to5?
  2. How long was it until you found coaching?
  3. Then how long was it before you decided you really wanted to do this, and go all in on making this a business and leave your 9to5 for good?
I remember one of the first times it really hit me that I might not stay in my corporate career forever even though I had no idea what else I might do with my life.
You probably know the story because it's similar to yours. I was burning the candle on both ends, juggling everything, living for the weekend, dying inside when my boss starts a new project and starts talking about next year's business priorities whilst I'm keenly aware that 2 of my colleagues are on the edge of quitting, and I'm going to be the one who gets left with the work.
But when I thought about leaving, going to a competitor is basically the same shit with different branding, yet I had no idea what else I might do...
I remember being drunk in a terrible night club in Holborn (London) on one of many nights that kind of blend in together with my work mates, downing another round of jaegers that my boss brought us (when he got drunk he loved to flash the company credit card and we all took advantage) saying to my work bestie "how long can we keep doing this?". He replied and said he had at least 5 more shots left in him before we'll be getting a kebab and I laughed. Inside, something else was happening.... That wasn't the answer I was seeking.
How long can I keep doing this?
How long can I keep doing this?
How long can I keep doing this?
I wanted more from life but I had no idea what.
I didn't know I was looking for fulfilment or purpose.
At the time, all I knew is that I wanted more.  
So with little direction, other than what I saw around me, in my mind that meant looking for the next promotion - preferably before my colleague Ben got one (we were both partners in crime, managers in the same department and eachothers biggest work competition).
So when the promotion came (me and Ben got promoted at the same time annoyingly), and I still wasn't fulfilled, I really had no idea where to turn. I felt trapped.
It's no surprise a year before I found coaching I had my first real burnout in the office - I had a panic attack in the office out of no where. I was a high performing manager and I lived for the grind. Turns out the grind didn't live for me and my body was screaming no more. 
Does this sound familiar?
It was about 12 months after this that coaching found me. When I went for it, I went for it. I had finally found a new job a mate had referred me into and I had just started doing my coaching qualification, taking on my first clients.
The new job was well paid and sounded good on LinkedIn, a huge global company that would have had 20 year old me absolutely buzzed, but 30 year old me was over the corporate bullshit and ready for something new.
Quite quickly this new world opened up, as it does, and I realised what was possible with coaching.
Truly running my own business.
Working and answering only to myself (I later realised I actually am responsible to my community, my bills and my clients but the sentiment is there).
Working my own hours, to my own schedule.
Working anywhere I like. Anywhere.
Never asking for holiday again.
Making a real difference.
But the transition was scary as hell.
Who am I to do this?
Can I really work for myself?
How the hell do I start a business?
How do I do it without my boss finding out?
How will I find the time?
What will people think?
How do I create consistent clients?
How do I create stability and security?
But how do I know it will work?
It felt like no one had the answers.
No one clearly showed me how to build boundaries around my demanding 9to5 so I could find the time and energy to actually show up and market my offers.
No one talked realistically about the numbers or provided a financial planning framework to help me figure out how to actually leave my 9to5, pay my bills and go all in on my business.
No one told me what I should do day to day in my business - all the coaching was around mindset and inner child healing.
No one I invested in seemed to talk about how it actually felt to change identities from an established corporate career to selling everything I had to travel to the other side of the world and become a digital nomad.
So, despite my success, despite my healing, despite the fact I have created everything I didn't even know I wanted, that I love the journey I took and am now pinching myself with what I'm calling in next... I just wish, if I could go back and do it all again, I had help from someone who really got it. 
Who understood the BIG picture of how this crazy voyage from 9to5 into building a soul-led business really feels and can be with me every step of the way to help me figure it out.
This is why I created THRIVE.
It's the big picture - with all of the philosophies, tools and learnings I figured out along the way so you don't have to.
With 1:1 weekly coaching to help you make decisions with reasons you love in how you show up to the world as someone who is now straddling two worlds - between your 9to5 and your business.
To help you build your business and show up and be authentic and visible.
To create a viable plan to go all in financially and leave your 9to5 if you want to one day.
To help you move through the discomfort, uncertainty and doubt and not make any of it a problem.
To manage your 9to5 and see all the ways it's a blessing for your business and finances.
To help you feel in control, like the CEO of your life as well as your business no matter what comes up for you (my clients go through break ups, new romances, health struggles, moving country, new jobs, new homes and the rest).
This is my honour, and my best work yet.
Are you ready to take this journey with me by your side to advocate for your dreams when you forget your own power?
To help you create practices and rituals that make you the CEO of your life, biz and your 9to5?
To help you plan your finances so you can see exactly when and how you can actually leave your 9to5 and go all on your business?
To elevate and embody a way of being that means you create your own stability, security and safety no matter what?
To cheerlead for you when you create results that blow your mind (and especially the little ones that you forget to celebrate)?
To hold you accountable to the decisions you make?
To create a plan you love to build your biz, hold down the 9to5 on your terms and enjoy the journey?
To support and empower you through powerful 1:1 coaching that is both spiritual and pragmatic AF, whether that's in session or as the week unfolds?
If you said yes and this feels true to you... then let us begin...
Schedule your free consult here
I can't wait to meet you.

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Create Clients And Money The Soul-Led Way, Even If You Have A 9to5 - Without Burnout OR Overwhelm - For Free.

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