For coaches ready to create an exit plan and the mindset to go full time in your business, on your terms, using my Exit-Plan Framework.


Begins October 28th 


You get to build your coaching business and  know exactly when and how you’ll quit your job for as long as you need it, with financial security, enjoying your job with the time and energy to work on your business.


Inside ‘The Exit-Plan Program’ we make this happen.

Yup, I want this!

Right now you're...

Working a job that isn't aligned with who you are now, especially since you've discovered coaching, can be challenging, even if you're great at it and you're relied upon heavily at work.


You might find yourself daydreaming about sending that resignation email that's saved in your drafts, and secretly tell yourself it would be easier to focus on your business if you didn't have a job because you'd have more time and energy, even though you already make time for your business.


You feel a lot of external pressure to "go ALL-IN." Even song lyrics and memes feel like signs you should make the leap, even though you know deep down that your finances and nervous system (as well as your family/partner) probably wouldn't handle the additional pressure of paying the bills.


If you're honest, you know that you're fricking great at your job, and you know you "should" be able to manage it all, but it doesn't always feel possible. *sigh*


You're 100% committed to making your coaching business work; you know you're ultimately working toward that goal, and you can't wait to get there (figuratively and, well...literally).


You need The Exit Plan

Inside The Exit Plan

You're going to spend 2 weeks with me, to create your Exit Plan so you can go full-time in your business on your unique time frame (whether that's 2 weeks or 2 years and anything in between) using my Exit Plan Framework. 

I'll show you exactly how to prepare your finances using my personal Exit Plan framework so you don't risk everything, and you'll see exactly how I prepared myself and my clients to go full-time into Coaching.


Then we'll coach on anything that comes up, so you can feel clear and confident about your choices and time frame.

I'll also be sharing the exact mindset you need to hold the liminal space between holding down your 9to5 and building your coaching business to boss BOTH, equally.

You’ll enjoy your job more, feel less stressed, and reconnect with your 9to5, even though you know you're leaving, because you’ve entirely shifted your perspective on how the 9to5 serves you and your business.

You'll also learn how to manage your job better to avoid working late or wasting time and energy, giving you more bandwidth to focus on your business.

You'll finally be able to bring your whole self to work and business without compromising your credibility or integrity in your day job or in-front of your clients.

No more stumbling or starting an argument when your partner or family ask how business is going. No more feeling like a fraud or hiding your Woo in the office.

This is the only time I'm running this LIVE, to do this together and receive my support, as you plan for the biggest transition of your career yet.  




What's included

  • Comprehensive trainings will be dropped over 2 weeks, including The Exit Plan Framework and 'How to Resign'.
  • 3 Live Coaching calls to support you as you design your personalised Exit Plan.
  • Lifetime access to the entire course.
  • Lifetime access to the Coaching Call recordings.
  • A community of other power-house Coaches who are also ALL-IN on their coaching business. 

The biggest move of your career is not the kind of thing you 'wing', hope for the best, or rely solely on the 'signs'. 

Inside The Exit Plan we're having the conversation to prepare your finances, mindset and nervous system to go to Full Time in your Coaching Business, on your terms. 



Also receive access to my 9-to-5 Cheat Sheet of Somatics (C-SOS) to help diffuse those occasional moments that make you want to scream, punch something or cry at work within minutes.

Inside are 5 of the somatic practices I used when I was in the 9to5.